Human Rights Foundation (HRF)

HRF works to empower communities, monitor the monitors, and defend the defenders. To that end we:

  • Promote an appreciation and observance of human rights values and standards.
  • Empower people through human rights awareness and assertion programmes and through participatory institution building.
  • Stimulate a third world perspective on human rights shaped by the voices of the socially excluded communities.
  • Promote public policies and legislations for the promotion of human rights.
  • Foster research into local, national, and international human rights issues. 
  • Promote psycho-social help, legal services and relief and rehabilitation services for victims of human rights violations. 
  • Defend human rights defenders and human rights organisations.
  • Strengthen multi stakeholder platforms and partnerships for dialogue and engagement.


The core of our work is as a resource cum research organisation disseminating information, and facilitating multi-sectoral dialogue and engagement. As part of our research effort HRF reviews and monitors government plans and policies, schemes, budgetary allocations and functioning of public institutions and laws for the promotion of grassroots democracy.

The Foundation works to promote the educational, economic, and cultural well being and welfare of the people of India and to work for the promotion and protection of human rights and sustainable development especially those of disadvantaged and invisibilised communities, irrespective of caste, creed, race, community or religion.

The Foundation provides legal, strategic, and moral support to individuals and groups towards asserting their human rights and to gain redress from the state and private institutions.